[l / sm / ss / rl / tl] [hap / nah] [wah]


"Not not dead yet!"

woah shit no one cares about Further reading: not4chan on Encyclopedia Dramatica and the Bibliotheca Anonoma (article coming soon!)

What was not4chan?

not4chan was the only "official" spinoff site to come out of 4chan, created originally to house /l/ - Lolikon & /tl/ - Torrents/Loli. It would later get more boards as well as a torrent tracker.

Who ran not4chan?

Saber and Censored Vagina, SA goons and members of #raspberryheaven. Censored Vagina made some of 4chan's earliest news posts, as he handled donations in 2004.

How long was not4chan online?

The domain was registered in November 2004. It was online by late December, and shut down on July 23rd, 2006. There were over 214,203 posts on /l/. At the time, the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act was about to be signed into law. There was lots of speculation that this would make lolicon classified as child pornography. Some faggot said that Saber lost interest and moot no longer wanted not4chan hosted on 4chan's servers.

When did not4chan come back?

not4chan's first revival happened on August 30th, 2006, this time being run by Narunet on not4chan.us. Throughout early 2007 it went up and down before finally redirecting to not4chanserver.org. It died in late March. This board was not affiliated with 4chan, nor were any of the revivals that followed.

What was not4chan's second revival?

The second revival was not4chanserver.org, which launched around January 3rd, 2007, run by Narunet and Lime Coke. It died in late March.

What was not4chan's third revival?

The third revival was notfourchan.net, which launched around July 7th, 2007, this time run by Narunet and crazymonkey, along with several other moderators. It ran until late November 2011, when they got dropped by their host.


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